In the photograph at the bottom, you can see the interior of the church sanctuary, viewed from the choir loft. Although this existing church structure was not built until 1957-1958, the parish has existed since 1895. At that time, the church had the name "St. John's German Lutheran Church U.A.C. (Unaltered Augsburg Confession)."
St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church continues to hold to the historical, Lutheran, confessional writings. These include the Apostle's Creed, the Nicene Creed, the Athanasian Creed, the Augsburg Confession , the Apology (Defense) of the Augsburg Confession, Luther's Small Catechism and Large Catechism, the Smalcald Articles, Luther's Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope, and the Formula of Concord. However, these documents do not constitute the foundation of doctrine and faith. They merely serve as roadmaps and summaries of God's Holy Word. The Holy Scriptures are the foundation and basis for all doctrine. Lutherans hold the Bible to be the true, inerrant, divinely-inspired Word of God.
In the late 1930's, the Divine Services each Sunday switched from German to English. The message preached each week, however, remained the same as that which Martin Luther proclaimed in Germany four hundred years earlier. Forgiveness and justification come only in the Word, through faith, by grace. It is not our work, lest anyone should boast. The Gospel rests on God's work.