The purpose of St. John Lutheran School is to assist families and congregations in building a well-rounded solid Christian foundation in the life of each student. The school provides quality Christ centered education, which is academically rigorous, literature rich, and full of individualized instruction. All of this in a caring, supportive and family oriented atmoshphere. Each subject is taught from a Scriptural point of view. Students learn to reason from the Bible and to apply these Biblical principles to all aspects of life.
St. John Lutheran School came into existence over thirty years ago when Rev. Carl Wosje, a former area pastor, donated land for a Christian school. A school was started in 1973 under the name King's Way Christian Academy. During the following years the school continued as Our Saviour's Christian Academy and then Cornerstone Christian School. In 2003 it came under the sponsorship of St. John Lutheran Church (Missouri Synod) and took the name St. John Lutheran School. Having a church uphold the school is a great blessing.
We do feel that the lives of our students can change through the power of the Holy Spirit. That may seem like a bold statement, but it is one that has often been told to us by former students and their families. Nothing brings greater joy than to hear comments such as: "The school has changed my life," "I would not be walking as closely to the Lord today if I had not attended this school," "It might have seemed like I wasn't always listening, but your words stuck with me."
There was a young man who enrolled primarily to play soccer on our soccer team; his goal was to be a rock star. He is now a missionary serving in Thailand. Other graduates are serving as missionaries in Japan and as pastors and youth leader here in the United States.
Most of our graduates, however, are not missionaries or pastors; but most are active workers in their congregations, concerned parents wanting Christian education for their children, spokesmen for the Gospel in their jobs, etc. Our goal is to train Christian leaders whether they are pastors, farmers, businessmen or women, homemakers, or whatever their walk of life.
In some parts of the country it is the norm for a Missouri Synod congregation to have its own school. Many congregations started with a school and then added a church. They knew the importance of teaching Biblical principles to their children on a daily basis. In northern Minnesota, many people are not familiar with having their own church school or Christian school. St. John Lutheran School encourages you to become acquainted with us-the students, staff, and families involved here. We think you will like what you find.
Is it worth the cost and effort to send your children to a Christian School? Nothing can be of higher importance than one's relationship with God. It is the rock that all of life-with its ups and downs-can be built upon. At our school your children will have the opportunity to grow in faith and confidence in God as well as to be encouraged to share that faith with others. Please consider giving this gift of priceless value to your child. It is an investment that can have returns throughout all eternity.
In Deuteronomy 6:4-9 God tells His people to teach His word diligently to their children, from morning to evening. St. John Lutheran School's purpose is to assist the home and church in building solid Christian values in the life of each student-throughout each and every day! It is our goal to produce true Christian scholars whom God can use to share the Gospel throughout the world!